Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 1 and Apartment Tour

Today was my first day of graduate school. I didn't feel anxious before going to bed, but I tossed and turned all night and woke up this morning feel not so rested. Thankfully my parents bought me a Kreuig coffee machine and my cup of joe in a new SC mug helped perk me up. I packed my lunch this morning: a good old turkey sandwhich, string cheese, and some almonds and was out the door with my roommates at 7:25 since our commute is about 25 minutes (7 miles through town, no freeway thankfully!) We made it just a few minutes before class started at 8, I was nervous on the ride...thinking of the horror of walking into class late! That would've been a bad first day impression. I think we should leave five minutes earlier tomorrow...which class starts at 7:30 so we must leave probably around 6:50...Oh misery!

The classes I had today were: Evidence for Physical Therapy Practice- the professor used to be the California Association of Physical Therapists's president, and she now is a state investigator for physical therapy malpractice. Got to hear some good stories! Then I had physiology, which was really easy and a review. Next, my roommates and I, plus another student, had lunch on the patio, only to be kicked out because the Occupational Therapy program apparently reserved it. We went onto the lawn where my White Coat ceremony will be on thursday and enjoyed the sun. We treated ourselves to some Starbucks at the cafeteria and also bought our latex gloves needed for cadaver dissections from the bookstore. My last class was anatomy lecture, followed by anatomy lab. It was a "bone lab" where all we did was examine landmarks on the bones where muscles attach, in our lab groups of four. It was all review for me from undergrad so the lab was easy...I was given the task of taking our "bone box" home for the week. So there is a box of actual human remains sitting in my living room. (The skull isn't real FYI, the sacrum looks fake too).

And here are photos of my apartment! 2bedroom/2bath with a balcony! My side is the teal bed, and the bathroom is mine and Kristina's. I'l post pictures of the pool and gym later this week. You can click on the photos below to enlarge them.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

my last weekend of freedom

So...where do I start. I'm not familiar with blogging, nor do I think I am that interesting. But I decided to start a blog to keep everyone updated on my new life here in SoCal and so that I don't have to repeat everything to several people. I won't have time for that!! :)

On Tuesday I moved down to Pasadena, and today was my first day where I really didn't have anything on my agenda. I was able to sleep in and walked to CVS a few blocks down from my apartment to get some school supplies....which are more expensive than one would think! These past few days have been filled with moving in, organizing, a wide array of emotions, and also saying goodbye to my parents! I grew a lot closer to them during my break from undergrad, but I'll be seeing them next week at my White Coat Ceremony so that makes me happy. My roommates and I all get along and have a fun time together. Two of them are from Arizona and the other is from Texas. Southern California is so different than Northern California, I feel like I'm from another state too!

Thursday and Friday were my orientation days. I got my USC toolkit (a cool cardinal and gold bag filled with measuring instruments and such) and was assigned a locker so we can have a change of clothes for labs(i.e. sports bras and shorts) and have a place to store our scrubs. To be honest, the days were kind of boring. Different people from different services came and talked to us about the health center, public safety, the library --the MOST boring-- and the gym. We also were introduced to professors and our "mentors"- - professors who are essentially advisors and help us with anything. Mine wasn't there, but I will meet with her within the coming weeks. I found out that there are 95 students in my class, which is kind of overwhelming because I have already forgotten names of people I have met and I've been kind of shy and not too outgoing. Its really intimidating! We all fit in one classroom, which is THE coldest classroom I have EVER been in. I freezed my butt of the first day, so I brought my North Face jacket the second day and was still cold. I'm thinking I'll need to bring a snuggie or something!!! We were able to talk classmates at lunch and yesterday the second year students put on a bonfire for us at a local beach. LOCAL turned into an hour long drive due to traffic. Traffic is definitely something I am not used to. I saw downtown LA, Staples Center, and Dodger Stadium along the way to the beach so that was neat. At night, my roommates and I walked up two blocks from our apartment to Barney's Beanery on Colorado Ave in Pasadena. It is a three story sports bar that is very cool! They have karaoke in the basement and pooltables on the upper floors. Turns out that USC DPT "runs the basement." I guess that is their hang out spot and they often roll very deep! I met several more fun and outgoing people in my class-- you know, the ones who I'll probably hang out with since I'm not going to make school my entire life, I still want to have fun! I also met some third year students and they were very funny and nice to us. They were getting us pumped up for the tailgates and football games, something I am so looking forward to.

One week from today I will be attending my first ever college football game, and as a Trojan! I am so excited. I hear the student section is like no other school's and that its just a total blast. One thing the professors and students kept mentioning was the "Trojan family." It really sounded quite cheesy...but it is true. USC is going to give me so many networking opportunities and will provide me with the resources to be the best PT I can be! Students are really supportive of each other and so is the faculty. Everywhere you go around my area you can almost always see someone wearing a USC t-shirt, or somebody driving a car with a USC bumpersticker or USC Alumni license plate frame. I don't think that I would be a part of something so much bigger than myself if I would've gone elsewhere. I am truly happy with my decision, and truly happy to be a Trojan!!! I always wanted that college experience where school spirit is insane. UOP...not so much.

School starts on Monday. Tomorrow I will be sleeping in and freaking out. (I already have reading and homework, welcome to grad school Kendra!!) Despite my feelings of nervousness, being scared, wondering if I can do this, and thinking about how hard it is going to be, I know that it will be all worth it in the end.

Wish me luck!!