Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 1 and Apartment Tour

Today was my first day of graduate school. I didn't feel anxious before going to bed, but I tossed and turned all night and woke up this morning feel not so rested. Thankfully my parents bought me a Kreuig coffee machine and my cup of joe in a new SC mug helped perk me up. I packed my lunch this morning: a good old turkey sandwhich, string cheese, and some almonds and was out the door with my roommates at 7:25 since our commute is about 25 minutes (7 miles through town, no freeway thankfully!) We made it just a few minutes before class started at 8, I was nervous on the ride...thinking of the horror of walking into class late! That would've been a bad first day impression. I think we should leave five minutes earlier tomorrow...which class starts at 7:30 so we must leave probably around 6:50...Oh misery!

The classes I had today were: Evidence for Physical Therapy Practice- the professor used to be the California Association of Physical Therapists's president, and she now is a state investigator for physical therapy malpractice. Got to hear some good stories! Then I had physiology, which was really easy and a review. Next, my roommates and I, plus another student, had lunch on the patio, only to be kicked out because the Occupational Therapy program apparently reserved it. We went onto the lawn where my White Coat ceremony will be on thursday and enjoyed the sun. We treated ourselves to some Starbucks at the cafeteria and also bought our latex gloves needed for cadaver dissections from the bookstore. My last class was anatomy lecture, followed by anatomy lab. It was a "bone lab" where all we did was examine landmarks on the bones where muscles attach, in our lab groups of four. It was all review for me from undergrad so the lab was easy...I was given the task of taking our "bone box" home for the week. So there is a box of actual human remains sitting in my living room. (The skull isn't real FYI, the sacrum looks fake too).

And here are photos of my apartment! 2bedroom/2bath with a balcony! My side is the teal bed, and the bathroom is mine and Kristina's. I'l post pictures of the pool and gym later this week. You can click on the photos below to enlarge them.

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